Leaf Home is proud to support efforts in protecting communities against the spread of wildfires. While you and your family stay educated, read on to learn the 5 Rules for Protecting Your Home From Wildfire – as featured in Denver Life Magazine by LeafFilter’s own Curtis Marshall.
In the fast landscape of Colorado, the beauty of nature is occasionally interrupted by the destructive power of wildfires. Being prepared isn’t just about the individual safety – it’s about protecting the entire community from these unpredictable forces. For the well-being of your homes and your neighbors’, consider the following protective measures.
- Prepare your home. Fit your home with smoke detectors and assemble a “safety bag” containing essentials like documents, prescriptions, and insurance info for quick evacuation if fire strikes.
- Create a defensible space. Remove dead and dry vegetation, such as leaves, needles, and branches, within 30 feet of your home. Ensure all tree branches are at least 10 feet away from your roof to prevent potential fire hazards from landing. In outdoor entertainment areas, move items like firewood or propane tanks, to a safe distance from your outdoor entertainment areas. Finally, clean your rain futters of debris like leaves and sticks at least twice a year.
- Install a fire-resistant gutter guard. In the face of a wildfire, a single floating ember can ignite a catastrophe if it lands in a debris-filled gutter. Shield your home by adding a gutter guard that not only resists fire but also minimizes year-round buildup.
- Invest in fire-smart landscaping. By opting for plants like honeysuckle or primrose, homeowners can mitigate wildfire damage. While no plants are entirely fire-proof, choosing these less flammable varieties curbs potential risks.
- Upgrade to tempered multi-pane windows. Fires can cause windows to shatter even before flames approach. By choosing windows with tempered glass and pairing them with fire-resistant shutters, you’ll diminish the risk of breakage in wildfire-prone areas.
Learn more about how to protect your community from wildfires.